Please complete this form to request that we delete your personal information.

Conair values your privacy. Our Privacy Practices: For general information about how we handle personal information and a description of all of your rights under the CCPA or similar legislation, please visit our Privacy Policy and the section on Important Information for California Residents.

Agents: If you are an agent submitting a request, please complete this form, print out a copy, and email the form along with your power of attorney or notarized authorization from the consumer to us at We may contact the consumer to verify your authority and/or to authenticate the consumer.

Questions: If you have questions about this webform or your rights, please contact us at f you do not wish to use this webform, you can call us toll-free at 1-833-266-2479.

Thank you for contacting Conair about your privacy rights. At this time, we are only able to offer the rights specified in this webform to California residents. If you have any questions about our use of your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy.
You have requested that we delete all of your personal information. Deleting your information will disable any accounts that you have created with any Conair business and remove you from any marketing lists. Depending upon your relationship with us, you may not be able to log into your account or portal. We will maintain a record of your deletion request and include your email address on a suppression list. We also may retain other information about you as required by applicable law. For example, if you have registered a product with us, we will maintain your registration information for purposes of fulfilling the warranty and as permitted under applicable law. We will send a letter confirming when we have processed your deletion request.
Please confirm your deletion request: